MATELOT: Morskiy Zbirnik (2019-2020)


Author: Anton Sanchenko, Viktor Gubarev, Vladimir Kaverin, Evgeny Bal, Maxim Fedorchenko, Nikolai Shmygin, Miroslav Mamchak, Oksana Drogomiretskaya, Oksana Samara, Melnik Olga, Alexey Pokidko, Radiy Radutny, Sergei Akatyev, Stepan Nadlomar, Tatiana

Language: Ukrainian

Number of pages: 296


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The assistant has increased 15 offers for the sale of naval prose tenders. Lisyansky "Matelot", reviewed journals from professional sailors. This commercial and chemical analytical equipment, which is not documentary, assigns an external reproduction of the sea to fish, merchant and foreign seafarers, yachtsmen and experts. On the sailing ship-floating market, the floating personnel from Ukraine are the fourth in a few months sent to China, Indonesia and Philippines, and to become close to 200 thousand rubles. seamen, here 80 yew. from which - the command warehouse: captains, navigators, mechanics, foreign specialties. Obviously, there will be a need for a representation of the representative in literature, which, thanks to the support of the audience for the gathering and the upcoming season of the Matelot competition.

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